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Immobilise Property Register.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:05 am
by Copper
Use this site to register your detector (or any other valuable property) to assist in its recovery if stolen.

Immobilise is the worlds largest FREE register of possession ownership and searchable register of stolen goods and blocked mobile phones.

Immobilise can be used by members of the public and businesses to register their valued possessions or company assets.

Uniquely via an Immobilise account UK users can record any registered item as lost or stolen and this instantly appears on the Police National Stolen Equipment Database. This online checking service is used by all the UK Police forces to trace owners of stolen property.

If the item is a cell phone also report it to your network so they can block the SIM card and the IMEI number.

Immobilise is the only ownership registration service supported by all the UK Police forces, and the mobile phone industry for the registration of mobile phones. It is also supported by the Metropolitan Police, GLA and TFL for the registration of bicycles